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Results for: '3C - Feedback on writing - Part 2'

Sentence patterns

By: t2112, Views: 199

Sentence patterns

Sentence patterns

By: t2112, Views: 223

Sentence patterns

F.3 Unit 1 Past Perfect Tense Part 1

By: t9438, Views: 542

F.3 Unit 1 Past Perfect Tense

Spelling errors

By: t9901, Views: 854

Some spelling errors found in students' writing

1920-F5-FirstExam Reading B1 Q21-26

By: t9901, Views: 590

A video discussing 2019-2020 F5 first exam reading part B1 Q21-26


By: t9431, Views: 702

中四級數學科 3.7 Part B 利用根與係數的關係建立二次方程

YCK-ENG-F3-Unit 3-Reading a poem (Part 2)

By: t0802, Views: 659

Students can learn to read the poem and answer the questions in Unit 3 white book.

YCK-ENG-F3-Unit 3-Reading a poem (Part 1)

By: t0802, Views: 648

Students can learn to read the poem and answer the questions in Unit 3 white book.

Sequence words pre lesson video

By: t1105, Views: 1046

Watch this video to prepare for the lesson on sequence words for procedural writing. Thanks!