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Results for: 'Energy - 1.2'

Chemistry tutorial-Ch20-1-Fossil fuels as a major energy source

By: t0605, Views: 611

Chemistry tutorial-Ch20-1-Fossil fuels as a major energy source

LS- The advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy _ Hydropower, Geothermal power and Ocean power

By: t2011, Views: 493

LS- The advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy _ Hydropower, Geothermal power and Ocean power

F.3 biology 預習1.2 生物的特徵

By: t1706, Views: 1695

預習1.2 生物的7大特徵 Nutrition Movement Growth Reproduction Irritability Respiration Excretion Photosynthesis Oxygen Carbondioxide Energy Increase in size, weight, complexity

S.3 biology Ch.4 碳水化合物(2)

By: t1706, Views: 1478

Carbohydrates (2) 單糖 - monosaccharide 雙糖 - disaccharide 多糖 - polysaccharide 還原糖 - reducing sugar 葡萄糖 - glucose 縮合 - condensation 水解 - hydrolysis 麥芽糖 - maltose 庶糖 - sucrose 糖原 - glycogen 澱粉 - starch 能量儲備 - energy reserve

S.3 biology Ch.4 碳水化合物(1)

By: t1706, Views: 1430

Carbohydrate (1) 單糖 - monosaccharide 雙糖 - disaccharide 多糖 - polysaccharide 還原糖 - reducing sugar 葡萄糖 - glucose 縮合 - condensation 水解 - hydrolysis 麥芽糖 - maltose 庶糖 - sucrose 糖原 - glycogen 澱粉 - starch 能量儲備 - energy reserve