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Results for: 'Chemistry tutorial-Ch17-1-Definition of strength of acids and alkalis'

S2_SCI_9.5 _Potential hazards related to the use of acids and alkalis

By: t2105, Views: 192

S2_SCI_9.5 _Potential hazards related to the use of acids and alkalis

Chemistry tutorial-Ch53-1-Definition and characteristics of catalyst

By: t0605, Views: 886

Chemistry tutorial-Ch53-1-Definition and characteristics of catalyst

Chemistry tutorial-Ch14-5-Common alkalis in daily life and in the laboratory

By: t0605, Views: 978

Chemistry tutorial-Ch14-5-Common alkalis in daily life and in the laboratory

Chemistry tutorial-Ch14-2-Characteristic and chemical reactions of acids

By: t0605, Views: 821

Chemistry tutorial-Ch14-2-Characteristic and chemical reactions of acids

Chemistry tutorial F3_Chapter8.1 C Reactions of meals with dilute acids

By: t0803, Views: 801

Chemistry tutorial F3_Chapter8.1 C Reactions of meals with dilute acids

Chemistry tutorial-Ch14-7-Role of water in exhibiting characteristics properties of alkalis

By: t0605, Views: 1003

Chemistry tutorial-Ch14-7-Role of water in exhibiting characteristics properties of alkalis

Chemistry tutorial-Ch14-1-Common acids in daily life and in the laboratory

By: t0605, Views: 963

Chemistry tutorial-Ch14-1-Common acids in daily life and in the laboratory

Chemistry tutorial-Ch26-9-Comparing the strength of v.d.w. forces, hydrogen bonding and covalent bonding

By: t0605, Views: 711

Chemistry tutorial-Ch26-9-Comparing the strength of v.d.w. forces, hydrogen bonding and covalent bonding

Chemistry tutorial-Ch34-5-Definition of standard enthalpy change of combustion

By: t0605, Views: 1795

Chemistry tutorial-Ch34-5-Definition of standard enthalpy change of combustion