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Results for: 'Chemistry tutorial-Ch32-6-Electrolysis of dilute NaCl(aq)'

Chemistry tutorial-Ch52-7-Determination of Ea: direct calculation

By: t0605, Views: 830

Chemistry tutorial-Ch52-7-Determination of Ea: direct calculation

Chemistry tutorial-Ch53-1-Definition and characteristics of catalyst

By: t0605, Views: 887

Chemistry tutorial-Ch53-1-Definition and characteristics of catalyst

Chemistry tutorial-Ch20-6-Major uses of petroleum fractions

By: t0605, Views: 754

Chemistry tutorial-Ch20-6-Major uses of petroleum fractions

Chemistry tutorial-Ch26-7-Importance of hydrogen bonding 1

By: t0605, Views: 631

Chemistry tutorial-Ch26-7-Importance of hydrogen bonding 1

Chemistry tutorial-Ch30-6-Balancing half equations

By: t0605, Views: 1271

Chemistry tutorial-Ch30-6-Balancing half equations

Chemistry tutorial-Ch24-1-Molecules with non-octet structures

By: t0605, Views: 1008

Chemistry tutorial-Ch24-1-Molecules with non-octet structures

Chemistry tutorial-Ch35-2-Enthalpy change cycle

By: t0605, Views: 952

Chemistry tutorial-Ch35-2-Enthalpy change cycle

Chemistry tutorial-Ch29-3-Characteristics of chemical cells

By: t0605, Views: 1128

Chemistry tutorial-Ch29-3-Characteristics of chemical cells

Chemistry tutorial-Ch30-12-Sulphite ion as a reducing agent

By: t0605, Views: 2789

Chemistry tutorial-Ch30-12-Sulphite ion as a reducing agent