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Results for: 'Basic Geometric Concepts'

Biological concepts Ch.3(4) - The structure and properties of Cell Membrane

By: t0906, Views: 1397

Biological concepts Ch.3(4) - The structure and properties of Cell Membrane

Biological concepts Ch.9 (7) - Roots-Absorption of mineral salts

By: t0906, Views: 1131

Biological concepts Ch.9 (7) - Roots-Absorption of mineral salts

Biological concepts Ch.1-2(8) - Things to be considered in designing experiment

By: t0906, Views: 1078

Biological concepts Ch.1-2(8) - Things to be considered in designing experiment

Biological concepts Ch.1-2(7) - Experimental setup in Redi's experiment

By: t0906, Views: 1685

Biological concepts Ch.1-2(7) - Experimental setup in Redi's experiment

Drum set 1

By: t1112, Views: 804

Basic beats, combinations of hi-hat cymbal, snare drum and bass drum

Drum set 2

By: t1112, Views: 813

Basic beats , combination of hi-hat cymbal, snare drum and bass drum

Biological concepts Ch.9 (14) - Figure showing Net uptake and release of gas exchange

By: t0906, Views: 1270

Biological concepts Ch.9 (14) - Figure showing Net uptake and release of gas exchange

Biological concepts Ch.2(11) - Lipids - Sterioids and Grease spot test

By: t0906, Views: 1909

Biological concepts Ch.2(11) - Lipids - Sterioids and Grease spot test

Biological concepts Ch.9 (10) - Adaptation of leave for reducing water loss

By: t0906, Views: 1019

Biological concepts Ch.9 (10) - Adaptation of leave for reducing water loss