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Results for: 'hea'

Biological Concept-Ch.7 (6) - Respiratory system Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles

By: t0906, Views: 1120

Biological Concept-Ch.7 (6) - Respiratory system Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles

Biological Concept-Ch.8 (12) - External structure of heart

By: t0906, Views: 2624

Biological Concept-Ch.8 (12) - External structure of heart

Biological Concept-Ch.8 (13) - Internal structure of heart

By: t0906, Views: 1333

Biological Concept-Ch.8 (13) - Internal structure of heart

Biological Concept-Ch.8 (14) - How heart adapted to its function

By: t0906, Views: 2322

Biological Concept-Ch.8 (14) - How heart adapted to its function

S.3 biology Ch.4 脂質

By: t1706, Views: 1569

不溶於水 - insoluble 絕緣體 - heat insulator 震盪 - shock absorber 脂溶性 - lipid soluble 激素 - hormone 脂肪組織 - adipose tissue 皮下脂肪 - subcutaneous fat

heat 1.1

By: t1008, Views: 504

heat 1.1

heat 1.2

By: t1008, Views: 520

heat 1.2

heat 1.3

By: t1008, Views: 525

heat 1.3

heat 1.4

By: t1008, Views: 495

heat 1.4